![]() Jesus is The Amen "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, These things says the Amen, the Faithful & True Witness, the Beginning fo the creation of God. (Rev 3:14 NKJV) Read: Revelation 3:14-21 Amen. It has been called the most commonly known word on Earth. Did you know that? The reason is because the word is carried from Hebrew to Greek (like in this verse), to Latin, and on to English and most other languages. It is a preserved Word. It is from God's own preserved Hebrew language. We commonly use it at the end of prayers to mean, "Yes Lord, let it be so." We are agree with the words just spoken, whether by ourselves or others. This comes from the common Jewish custom when an officiant offers up a prayer and the response to the prayer was to agree with this word. This was carried forward to Christian congregations. We have to ask....why did Jesus use this Name for Himself? Consider the church He was speaking directly to, Laodicea. The Lukewarm Church. The people of this church were wealthy and well to do, not a worry, not a care and so their posture was "were good, don't bother us." Jesus was going to come knocking, could they be bothered? Jesus said you are neither hot nor cold, but do you know that without me you would be poor, wretched, and blind? Does this not resonate? Do we recognize where our blessings come from? Do we believe it is our own efforts and hard work that allow us to be what we are and have what we have, whether great or lacking? For Laodicea, if there had never been a Jesus, a Savior, there wouldn't even have been a church to talk to. Think about hot and cold and lukewarm for a second like hot water. Since the terms he used were in reference are drawn from a cooking metaphor. Hot Waters were in reference to the hot springs, the medicinal waters of a nearby Hierapolis. Cold Water is used for refreshment, and in this case the spiritually weary. Laodicea could offer neither. See, it is never about what we have or where we are. If you can look at a person who needs spiritual healing and refreshment and say "I'm good" with a wave of a hand and keep moving, rather than offer them what you know to be the True and Faithful, Amen then you are definitely a problem for Jesus. The Grand Commandment and the Great Commission require us to love our neighbors and tell them, each and every one where your blessings come from and the goodness of Jesus. We should be that hot healing water that warms the soul, and also the cool refreshment to those that are weary from this world that is full of spiritual warfare. You know what likes lukewarm? Yeast. I'll just let that thought sit right there for a second. Yeast has it's place, sure. But we aren't offering up yeast to eat, to bring comfort until it's been cooked, really well. To make an impact on others we must be either Hot or Cold. Be the Church to others. Be Christ to your neighbors. Jesus followed up His message with this.... "I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Rev 3:20 NKJV I was thinking on this verse and how I could teach this one to my kids. I thought a "knock knock Joke" would be the most memorable way for them, since they love them so much. Be like little children, get the word in your heart too. Jesus' message to the Lukewarm Church was that I'm here. I'm already waiting. Get the table ready because I want to come in and sit with you. He wants to sit at OUR table. Our table is good enough, we are enough! Open the door. He is waiting. Be ready. Don't be complacent. Don't get comfortable. The Master, The Amen is coming. |
I'm Aimee, former Early Childhood Educator and Reading Specialist turned author, speaker, blogger, and mom of 5. This website is meant to inspire & equip parents of little ones to promote early literacy & language development at home. You will also find fun crafts, devotionals, and recipes to explore..
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